9977 N 90th Street, Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | 1-800-637-7496
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Each report has associated permissions and they are categorized by functional areas that are linked to those permissions. The reports list shown is a sampling of the available reports that you would be able to access depending on your assigned role and associated permissions.
Report | Description |
Allowance Report | This report for InEight Change gives insight into total allowance by allowance category that is based on the current value of an issue. |
Buyout review |
The Buyout review report provides a listing of bid packages by discipline, vendor, and account code to help you to quickly analyze what contracts still have contingency escalation and unawarded scope remaining. It will calculate base budget and G/L and provide forecast calculations based upon any potential and current change orders and the status of the buyout associated with those contracts. The report displays bid package information grouped by bid package type along with original values, potential changes and forecast amounts. Utilizing this report will help you to stay on time with presenting contracts to vendors in-order to keep material costs and staff on budget and on time. |
Change order summary |
Printable list of change orders by status and change type (e.g. budget move, contract adjustment, etc.). Shows total budget $ adjustment, budget Mh adjustment, and contract $ adjustment. |
Commodity curves |
The Commodity curves report presents a condensed view of commodity quantities planned, claimed and forecasted over a time period, with current and baseline schedule. For each project, and for each commodity, a weekly forecast schedule is pre-defined and loaded. The line graph displays the cumulative quantities over the time period. Construction complete, Quality complete and Turnover complete lines are plotted based on the completion of claiming scheme steps with respective rule types, whereas baseline and current line curves are plotted based on the chosen baseline budget and forecast schedule percentage. The column chart displays planned and claimed quantities for each week. By comparing actual quantities with scheduled quantities, you will be able to track whether the project is ahead or behind the schedule. |
Construction progress summary |
This report provides you with a report of the hours used by discipline for a selected project for a selected period, and to date. It provides, planned, actual and earned information as well as performance factor information for comparison. This report is used to monitor the health of the project and provide a quick snapshot of the progress of a project and the performance factor by discipline for the period selected, to date and over the past five weeks. |
Crew communicator |
Shows the daily plan. Includes tasks, employees, equipment, quantities, and hours. Also, shows Safety/Quality/Environmental concerns and notes. |
Crew communicator summary |
Shows upcoming plans with cost vs. budget information (quantities, hours, and dollars), including the planned gain or loss. |
Crew performance |
Shows actual cost vs. budget (quantities, hours, and costs) performance by crew for the prior day (with the ability to select a range of dates). |
Daily cost performance |
Measures actual, earned, and gain/loss of man hours by task (WBS); typically used to monitor daily performance, but any date range up to the prior day may be selected. |
Daily plan review | A ready-made, consumable report shows a detailed view of what happened on the job site that you can present to clients and owners. |
Delivery status |
The Delivery status report presents a snapshot of all deliverables that are being supplied by vendors across all contracts within a project. The report shows the current delivery schedule for deliverables (goods & supplies) and submittals (drawings & specifications). Liquidated damages (LD), which is compensation for late delivery, may be defined for each deliverable and submittals per day not to exceed a set percent of total contract value or a set amount. Additionally, the report calculates the contractual days late for delivery, accrued liquidated damages, and displays back charges associated with the deliverable. Utilizing the information provided by the report, you can proactively act on deliverables that could be delivered late by vendors and can assess impact and damages caused by the late delivery. |
Earned values |
This report is utilizes data from Control, and data is imported manually. The Earned Value report sources data from Control as well as data entered into the new data import tool. The earned value report will track Actuals, Baseline, Forecasted, Current Budget, and Current Estimate cost and Man Hours over time. |
Employee hours |
This report is designed to provide end users, (Approver 1, Approver 2, Executer, Business Manager, Contract Admin, Project Management, District Legal and Compliance Managers, Payroll, etc.) the ability to view the current status and history of any employee project hours. This is a Time usage report that shows a record of hours planned and usage toward the project selected. To produce documentation as a historical record of time entry that happened on a project, broken down by daily plan Planned, Approved and Actual hours. |
Equipment hours |
This report allows you to see the equipment hours by piece and the reason codes of the equipment. This report is used primarily to help in the integration of equipment with an ERP system. |
Forecast health |
This report provides warnings about your cost items related to forecast, actuals, productivity, and account code assignments. This report also considers the project settings for calculating percent complete. |
InEight Compliance All Tasks | Similar to the InEight Compliance General Forms report. However, this report allows you to see information at the task level. This report allows you to select a specific task or many tasks, and then filter the results by date, status, title, ID, and state. |
Installed quantity |
Shows the quantities claimed per claiming step of a component and task, and provides a final post-conversion installed quantity. This is done by taking the quantity of each claiming step against a pre-determined weighing percentage to determine an installed quantity. These are then summed up to the component level to show component install quantity, then all component quantities are summed to show the task’s installed quantity. |
Issue log - |
The Issue log client summary provides a breakdown of the Issue ID and PCO ID when it has been created. It gives you the ability to identify the issue status and the current owner or “ball in court” status and client notification dates and dates of transactions. The report provides you the ability to track the issue status, client communication, pricing status, dates communicated with client, and displays the most recent note associated with the issue. |
Issue log - |
The Issue log issue summary give you the ability to review and identify active issues that are still in process, what the current status is and next steps. It provides you an issue description, issue start date, number of days aged, who submitted the issue and who the field contact. It provides details on if the schedule is impacted, if it has been communicated with the client, and work plan, WBS details, as well as any pricing status, value type, current value, proposal status and recent notes. |
Issue log - |
The Issue log pricing report provides the pricing details for an issue, the current status of the pricing details, and vendor information allowing you to quickly identify the current status of an issues pricing changes or modifications. A bevy of filters allow you to select individual issues or the ability to group issues and pricing statuses. Not all filters are required, allowing you to generate an output including all issues for a particular Project. |
Issues by Vendor |
The items shown in this report for InEight Contract include contract, vendor change order, vendor notes, PCO and CCO information by vendor, allowance category, and primary detail on issues. |
IWP planning forecast | Shows cumulative curves, weekly or monthly bars of IWPs your project has planned, and what gets passed to the field. The report can be used to help you understand your planning capacity. |
Man hour curves |
The Man hour curve report displays an aggregated column and line graph of selected discipline groups and directs within a specified time period for a single project. For each discipline group – which is a logical grouping of disciplines, a baseline and current forecast schedule of man hours is pre-defined and loaded for the duration of the project on a weekly basis. Directs are account codes for which the cost incurred can be attributed directly. The column chart displays planned, earned and actual/forecast man hours for that particular week. The line chart displays cumulative man hours spent up to that week. Other reference curves are plotted based on the selection of Original Budget (OB), Current Budget (CB), and Current Estimate (CE). The curves help to compare man hours spent with forecasted man hours for week-on-week and for the total project duration. Timely intervention can be made based on the information derived from the curves. |
Package progress |
This report evaluates the progress of your work packages or turnover packages. It uses a color scale to indicate the claiming progress per package and also allows you to show and group the time frame by year, quarter, month, week or day. |
Plan history |
For each plan, the Plan history report shows hours by employee and equipment as well quantities by WBS over your selected date range. |
Plan status |
Provides a complete list of all plans for a selected project for a selected date range and their related status for a given day. It provides details and dates for status changes, information about the approvers. The sub-report provides you with the employee hours for the provided plans. This allows approvers and project managers the ability to quickly monitor the status of plans for approval and review employee hours for a given plan. |
Project cost summary |
Gives project managers a way to assess the project health by comparing budget, actual, and forecast (costs and hours) for a date range as well as job to date. The report is summarized one row per cost item for a selected project. |
Project productivity |
Compares actual units per hour vs. estimated units per hour so that project managers can assess labor performance. The report shows one line per cost item for a selected project. |
Procurement status |
The Procurement status report tracks the status and vital dates of bid packages within a project. Each bid package, which is a scope of work, goes through a list of milestones before it is delivered by the vendor. A project may utilize all or a subset of milestones defined for an organization. The report displays bid package information grouped by bid package type along with original start date, forecast start date, and completion date of each milestone. By looking at the dates, the contract administrator can ascertain when a bid package is needed and where exactly it is in the process of delivery so that a corrective action can be taken to ensure timely delivery, if necessary. |
Procurement status |
The Procurement status look ahead report depicts the next phase (milestone) the selected bid packages are going through within a project. It provides a detail of a bid package, grouped by milestones and bid package types, and a glance of days in future when original/forecasted start date will begin. Float shows the number of days between needed by date and forecast start date. Negative forecast start days remaining signifies a delay in start and negative float signifies the delivery of the bid package is past due. Both could potentially impact the project schedule. It is crucial to understand the root cause of the delays and to take corrective action to mitigate issues affecting the bid package delivery. |
Quantity detail by |
The Quantity details by work plan report provides a summarized view of overall health of work plans along with the associated work plan structure items. The aggregated data provides total quantities and the percentage of work complete for each line item. |
Subscription status by users | Allows organizations to audit the InEight cloud platform for inactive users who still have active subscriptions being sent to them. With required permissions, after identifying an inactive owner, you can change the owner to yourself and update or delete the subscription as needed. |
Time phased cost curves | Using InEight Control’s time phased forecasting capabilities, this report lets you see time phased cost curves for actuals and budget. |
Vendor change order log |
The Vendor change order log report aggregates all change orders submitted and executed by a vendor across all contracts within a project. The report provides details on the scope of change order, current status and associated costs for executing the change order. It also lists out the change order effective date, expiration date, reference number to engineering/material change, affected WBS phase codes, and the actual change order number between the joint venture and the client. The report helps in communicating with clients about potential changes and analyzing costs related to changes that ultimately affect gain/loss of an organization. |
Weekly progress | This report utilizes imported schedule data and shows what your next week will look like in terms of earned and actuals from Control. |
Work plan package |
The Work plan/package report allows you as an authorized user, to view the details of a work plan/package on a spreadsheet. The objective of the report is to facilitate exporting all work plan/package data to a spreadsheet so that you can make further manipulations to the data, such as sorting, filtering, analyzing, creating pivot tables, etc. The same document can then be used in managing and communicating with crews. |
Additional Information
9977 N 90th Street, Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | 1-800-637-7496
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